Georgians on Spotify

Below is the list of Georgian musicians whose music we have added to the College’s ‘Georain’ playlist on Spotify. The playlist is named in honour of the 2018-2020 College band ‘Georain’ who were victorious in several InterCollege Battle of the Bands competitions and whose name was actually a typo....

In the list below, the band name is listed first, then the Georgian(s) who are in the band next, unless they are a solo act. Many of the bands are still active in the Perth music scene so their Instagram/ Facebook details have also been added.

Please contact Jo ( if you know of more Georgians who can be added to the playlist or if any changes need to be made to the information below.

 40th Parallel – band members include current resident Josh Marshall (@40th_parallel)

Canvas Season – lead vocalist and songwriter is Nicole Smith (2019) (@canvas_season)

Charlie Youngson (current resident) (@charlieyoungsonmusic)

Cryptids – band members include Saskia Willinge (2017) on flute, keyboard and backing vocals (@cryptidsmusic)

Davey Craddock (2005)

David Buckley (2016)

Gav Brown (1989) (@gavbrownaus)

Heathcote Blue – band members include Saskia Willinge (2017) on flute and backing vocals (@heathcotebluemusic)

The Manic – band members include songwriter and lead vocalist Owen Gust (2020), Karen Sundar (2020) on drums and Charlotte Butler (2020) on violin and backing vocals

Red Moon Cowboy – band members include Owen Gust (2020) (@redmooncowboy)

Ricky Neil Jr – band members include Charlotte Butler (2020) and Bella Fasolo (2021)

Robert Graham (1988) – singer, songwriter and pianist. His new band Robert Graham and the Landing is not on Spotify yet (@robertgrahamandthelanding)

Eliza Bourgault du Corday (2014) harpist, pianist, singer (

Sid Rumpo – band members include Robert Searls (1968) on lead guitar and vocals and Ken Wallace (1968) on piano. According to Australian musicologist Ian McFarlane in the Encyclopedia of Australian Rock and Pop, Searls was “one of the great gravel-throated blues wailers of the day”.

Stillwater Giants – band members include lead singer and guitarist Henry Clarke (2007)

St Marg - band members include current resident Josh Marshall

Voyces – desribed as a choir of exceptional musicians - many of them professional singers - including Kieran Lynch (2018) (@voyces_perth)


40 Year Reunion


The Georgian magazine - Winter 2024