Bequest : A Gift for the Future Generations

Including St George’s in your Will helps to ensure the continuation of the great work of the College, providing life-changing learning and living experiences and opportunities for future generations of students.

Bequests received by the College over many decades have funded scholarships and general building works, and contributed to the St George’s College Foundation’s Capital Fund.

Bequests have been made by alumni, former staff and from those who were not residents but saw how the College provides a valuable contribution to Australian society.

Bequests may be unrestricted, which enables the College to choose how best to apply the bequest funds, or designated, where you choose how the bequest funds will be used.

Please direct bequest enquires to the Warden Neil Walker ( or (08) 9449 5555).

With your help, we can continue to make St George's College one of the most outstanding educational institutions in Australia.

Gifts are tax deductible in Australia and USA and we can benefit from Gift Aid from the UK. Please contact the College by email at or call +61 8 9449 5555 if you would like more information about this.