A Bit About Us…

Our History

St George's College has a rich and proud history. After Western Australia gained self-government in 1890, Sir Winthrop Hackett, Archbishop C.O.L. Riley and Sir John Forrest worked to establish a university in Perth, which would become the University of Western Australia. In his will, Hackett left funds to establish an associated college in the Oxbridge style. This marked the genesis of St George's College, which opened in 1931.


In this year, Sir John Winthrop Hackett, Archbishop C.O.L. Riley and Sir John Forrest worked to establish a university in Perth, which would become the University of Western Australia. Sir John Winthrop Hackett went on to be the first Chancellor.


Upon his death this year, Sir John Winthrop Hackett bequests funds to establish an Oxbridge style college.


Archbishop C.O.L. Riley, who had chosen the site for the College, lays the Foundation Stone of the Chapel.


The inaugural Warden, the Rev. Canon Percy Umfreville Henn, is installed and St George’s College welcomes its first residents. It is the premier residential college at The University of Western Australia. Formally opened by Sir William Campion, Governor of Western Australia.


The College’s first Rhodes Scholar is selected, H.J. Hopkins becomes the first of 25 College members.


The Nicholson Cup, an inter-college sporting competition, expands to include hockey, football, rowing, cricket, basketball, athletics and swimming.


The War Memorial Squash Court is constructed.


North Wing construction begins, to be completed in 1968.


South Wing construction begins, and is completed in 1962.


The Warden’s Residence is completed.


Guy Grey-Smith completes his mural in South Wing.


The Memorial Wing Townhouses are officially opened. The wing was dedicated with a Wall of Remembrance for the 14 young Georgians who lost their lives during WWII.


St George’s officially becomes co-educational.


Newby Wing is completed. The new accommodation block was named to acknowledge the considerable financial support Mr. David Newby (1962), who was Senior Student in 1965 and a Rhodes Scholar in 1966.


Solar Panels are installed.


Rodgers Wing ground breaking ceremony. The College has planned for some time to build a further wing on its western boundary, it represents the opportunity to substantially enhance the College’s common facilities, add 45 modern en suite rooms, and provide up-to-date office and reception space.


Rodgers Wing becomes operational for the start of the 2020 academic year. The Administration office moves from Old Wing.

Our Wardens

1931-1932 The Rev. Canon Percy Umfreville Henn

1932-1940 The Rev. Canon Charles. B. Law

1940-1971 Dr John Heywood Reynolds

1971-1980 Dr Peter Simpson OAM

1980-2006 Dr Ben Darbyshire

2006-2012 John Inverarity AM MBE

2012-2024 Ian Hardy

2025-present Neil Walker