
Applications are currently being accepted for 2026

When can I apply?

Applications for residence at St George’s College in 2026 can be made at any time from March this year. We highly recommend applying by August 2025 so we can assess your application in time for our first round of offers. You do not have to wait for an offer from your university to apply. Applicants wishing to study at any Perth-based university are welcome to apply however, priority will be given to UWA applicants.

2026 Application Dates

March 2025: Applications open

March to August 2025: Interviews

Early September 2025: 2026 Fees announced

September/October 2025: Main round offers sent out

November 2025 to January 2026: Late offers sent out

3-Step Application Process

Step One: Online Application

All applications are submitted through the UWA Residential Colleges Application Portal, irrespective of the university you are applying to.

You will be asked to rank all five UWA Residential Colleges in order of preference. Please nominate St George's College as your first preference so that it comes to us first. Once you have completed the online application it will automatically be forwarded to us.
We will send you a confirmation when we have received your application.

Step Two: Interview

If your application is favourable you will be offered an interview with one of our staff members. The interview allows us to get to know you better, whilst also providing you with the opportunity to become more familiar with the College and ask questions.

Step Three: Offers

The 2026 College Fee Schedule and Scholarships will be released in September and advertised on our website. Main round offers will begin in mid-late September/October.

Don’t worry if you haven’t applied yet, we still accept applications during this period which will be considered in our late round offers.

If you are not successful in your application, the portal system will forward your details onto your next college of preference.