2031 Centenary Appeal
St George’s College was the fulfilment of the vision of Sir John Winthrop Hackett and Archbishop Riley to establish Western Australia’s first College. In his will, Hackett provided funds for the construction of the College, and Riley pushed strongly for its construction. Hackett was a graduate of Trinity College, Dublin, and Riley of Manchester and of Cambridge. Both had a great appreciation of the benefits of collegiate life. The College opened in 1931.
2031 Centenary Appeal
We are now approaching the centenary of our establishment, and the opportunity for Georgians and friends of the College to celebrate the achievements of our first century and create the foundations for the College to flourish over the coming centuries, building on the vision of Hackett and Riley.
The first hundred years have brought great successes. They also brought challenges. The great rate of change of the past two decades has particularly created a substantially altered environment, especially in terms of competition and funding.
The Opportunity to Secure
We believe that we now have the opportunity to place the College, including its future residents and its finances, on a secure footing through a major scholarship appeal that will enable us always to prosper.
Believing that this is the time – and our time - in 2021 we were pleased to launch the 2031 Centenary Appeal, details of which are set out in the brochure, which can be downloaded by clicking the button above. If you would like a hard copy of the brochure posted to you, please contact Jo Evans (jevans@stgc.uwa.edu.au).
Scholarship for every resident
By 2031 we aim to be able to provide a 1/4 scholarship to every resident of the College. It is an ambitious aim, but its success will allow students keen to take up residence at St George’s to do so.
It will also guarantee the financial viability of the College and allow us to navigate the uncharted waters of the future safely and securely. COVID-19 has reminded us all that the future is uncertain and unpredictable, and underscored the importance of the Centenary Appeal. The financial independence provided by endowed scholarships means that the College will always play an important role in the education and development of young people in Western Australia.
We believe that we will achieve our goal through endowments made through single gifts, bequests, or gifts made over the Appeal period.
If having read the brochure, you have questions or wish further information, please do not hesitate to contact the Warden.
We hope that you may be able to join us on this journey to support future residents and the College in an exciting future in which the College can offer the very best of experiences and opportunities.
David Horn (1982)
College Foundation Board
Neil Walker
Marino Evangelisti (1982)
College Board