A Georgian Luncheon will be held in Brisbane on Saturday 14th June – so please save the date! Partners are also welcome to attend.
The Lunch will start at 11:45am for a midday sitting at Greca in the Howard Smith Wharves precinct on the Brisbane River (https://www.greca.com.au).
Invitations will be sent out in late April, but in the meantime it would be great if you could register your interest by contacting Jo Evans at the College (jevans@stgc.uwa.edu.au).
Tony Eyres (1990) is the local point of contact if you would like more information, or to help out. He can be contacted via Jo Evans (jevans@stgc.uwa.edu.au)
If you know of other Georgians who may be interested in attending please do pass the information on to them.
Looking forward to seeing you in June!
Mitch Peden (1987), Tony Eyres (1990) and Genevieve Victor (2017)