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Georgian City Drinks

  • The Shoe Bar 420 Wellington Street Perth, WA, 6000 Australia (map)

Catch up with fellow Georgians at After Work Drinks on Thursday 17th October at The Shoe Bar in Yagan Square!

When: Thurday 17th October 5:30-7:30pm

Where: Wellington St Balcony, The Shoe Bar, Yagan Square, Perth

Who: Georgians and their partners

Cost: No charge - The Georgians will provide nibbles and a bar tab for beer and wine to facilitate good times and merriment, after which attendees can purchase their own drinks and food if desired.

RSVP: is essential. This is a free event but places are limited, so please RSVP here:

7 June

Georgian City Lunch

9 November

40 Year Reunion